For starters, it's currently noon thirty and my school day is already over. Welcome to Gymnasium. :) Needless to say German schools are different than American schools, but I'm currently a bigger fan of my new school. <3 There are three types of high school type schools in Germany. Realschule, Gymnasium, and something else I can't remember. I know little to nothing about Realschule, but I'm enrolled in a Gymnasium so I know a little bit about that. From what I've seen and heard, Gymnasium is a lot more like college than what we know as high school. There are no mandatory "school day hours" as in, 8-3 or whatever, and if a teacher is sick there are no substitutes. You just don't have class. Also, there are no school sport teams. You join teams through clubs of some sort. OH, and gym class is mandatory every year. My school offers gymnastics, dancing, and some type of athletics for gym classes so I'm not nearly as disappointed about that as I would be if it were a bum gym class. As far as I know, it's an open campus. I don't think they even serve lunch, you just go to town or bring a lunch or something. YOLO.
I don't have a schedule yet, so I spent the day shadowing Jana (a friend of my host sisters'). She was super kind and introduced me to few more people and helped out with my schedule situation. Tomorrow during what sounds like 6th period is when we'll work out my schedule. I'm required to take 2 LK classes which are the equivalent to AP so I'm obviously enrolling in LK Englisch and, here's a funny joke, LK Chemie. If you were in my chemistry class last year you know how hysterical that is. I'm also hoping I can sign up for Deutsch (obviously), some kinda math (algebra bitte), maybe politics, dance, and child development. We'll see how it goes. :)
Even though the first day is nothing but information, the classes completely went over my head. I hadn't a clue what the teachers were saying. EXCEPT IN RELIGION. I understood everything in there! Really not much exciting happened today at school. I'm so grateful to have two wonderful host sisters my age though, it honestly makes everything so much easier. Sarah and Miriam have both been so helpful and patient with me, I couldn't have asked for any better siblings. <3
Today at school, I made Jesus a Facebook page (I'm not completely sure why), exhausted myself straining to understand schnell Deutsch, and went home at noon. WOO, GO GERMANY. You get better every day!!
Sidenote: Tune in Sunday for my experience last night at the movie theater :)
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